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英文研究报告 2020年12月31日 06:52 管理员

In-vehicle experience will step up as the next bright spot in  future mobility: Over the past decade, evolution of the in-vehicle  user experience has appeared static compared with that of vehicle  appearance and propulsion. However, we expect the rising versatility  of functionality heading to Auto 2.0 (EVs and autonomous driving) to  force car makers to revamp in-vehicle systems. We expect a few key  industry trends to accentuate the importance of the in-vehicle experience and functionalities: Exhibit 4: Autonomy levels explained Source: SAE International, Morgan Stanley Research 1) Emerging vehicle autonomy/connectivity: The prevalence of  automated/connected vehicles will call for a brand new layout and  architecture of the human-machine interface in the cockpit to ensure  smooth and quick shifts of the in-vehicle control between the driver,  passengers and car. We believe the Chinese government’s initiative  to build data-driven smart cities bodes well for autonomous vehicle  development in the urbanization 2.0 era (see our Bluepaper published in October 2019). 

We forecast that the penetration of Level 4  or 5 autonomous vehicles in China will rise at a faster pace than in  other regions thanks to government support, a 5G-enabled infrastructure buildup, and higher commercialization possibilities from a  larger population, compared with none of these in 2019.Accelerating electrification: While the migration to EV might  not have a direct impact on interior design, we look for more EV  makers to join from non-auto backgrounds, such as technology or  Internet companies, which intend to take the in-vehicle user experience as a focal point and aim to differentiate their products by using  innovations in cockpit electronics technology to integrate the data  from sensors, personal mobile devices, the vehicle and, eventually,  the cloud. We believe this would expedite the shift in focus to more  innovation on in-vehicle platforms.



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