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英文研究报告 2021年05月06日 13:25 管理员

As strategic competition between the United States and China intensifes, the  danger of a US-China military confrontation is no longer a far-fetched scenario.  Despite recognition in both capitals of the growing risks of major power confict,  the United States and China have few, if any, efective mechanisms to resolve  their diferences peacefully. Enhancing strategic stability by lowering the risks of  military, and especially nuclear, confict; managing emerging technologies and  new frontiers of confict such as those in space and cyberspace; and preventing a destabilizing arms race are now more critical than ever to ensure that the  United States and China can compete without disastrous consequences. 

As the essays in this volume make clear, US-China relations are beset by a  profound lack of trust and mutual skepticism of each other’s strategic intentions.  Stark diferences in the two states’ nuclear doctrines, policies, and interests in  arms control pose signifcant challenges to pursuing strategic risk reduction. In  addition, an action-reaction dynamic is laying the foundation for a dangerous and  costly arms race. US-China strategic stability discussions are further complicated  by the fact that they are not just bilateral in nature, but also have critical implications for third parties, especially US allies, and are intertwined with other regional  challenges. The sharp deterioration in the broader US-China bilateral relationship  and disappointment with past bilateral exchanges have impeded meaningful dialogue on security-related issues and diminished the political appetite for  cooperative measures.



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