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英文研究报告 2020年02月27日 08:59 管理员

 Respondents in Germany (18%), Canada  (25%) and Switzerland (28%) show the lowest  proportion of people who wish to continue  working after reaching normal retirement age  (Figure 8). The most obvious reason is that  people in these countries consider themselves  to be wealthy enough at the point of retirement and see no need to work beyond it. Conversely, respondents in India (75%), Indonesia  (65%) and South Korea (63%) are among  the countries with the highest share of people  wishing to continue working after reaching  normal retirement age. In these countries,  not working beyond retirement age is associated with poverty. In India and Indonesia, the  coverage rates are relatively low at 25% and  14%, respectively, indicating that the majority  of people cannot rely on the pension system  to fund a work-free period after retirement.  By contrast, South Korea ranks among the  countries with the highest relative poverty rate  among the elderly (see Figure 4 on page 47).  Hence, for many Koreans, not working beyond  normal retirement age may pose a real threat  of slipping into poverty. It is interesting to note that respondents had  the choice of selecting the option “I don’t want  to, but I (will) have to,” but only 10%–16% of  respondents in these countries chose it. In India  or Indonesia, this can be explained by the fact  that work-free periods are not a reality for most  people. Hence this is a question that does not  come up very often. Most people in countries  with low pension coverage or insufficient pension  schemes literally need to work until the day they  die. That said, the question above takes on another dimension.

Accordingly, many respondents  wish to work beyond normal retirement age  because the alternative option of not working into  old age is synonymous with poverty. They do not  see this as being forced to work longer because  they do not know any different. When comparing age groups, an interesting  pattern arises (Figure 9). The younger the  people in developed countries, the more they  wish to continue working after reaching normal  retirement age. They also expect income from  work to become a major financial source during  retirement (Figure 7). Conversely, the younger  the people in developing countries, the less they  wish to continue working beyond retirement age.  They possibly expect to achieve better coverage  once the retirement systems in their country  have matured. Overall, however, Millennials and  Generation Z are most undecided when asked  about wanting to work beyond normal retirement  age, which strengthens the stereotype of these  two generations. At the same time, one might  say that the younger the people, the less likely  they are to be informed about the topic and  therefore have no opinion on it.



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