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英文研究报告 2024年02月28日 07:38 管理员

This spread across all job types is unprecedented.  Automation brought significant change to  the manufacturing floor, where machines,  with their unerring precision and tireless  efficiency, replaced blue-collar workers.  Meanwhile, white-collar professionals have  had a different experience with technology.  Their work, often less physical in nature, has  historically been insulated from the robot  revolution that transformed other sectors. But generative AI is erasing these  boundaries. Adoption is highest among  white-collar workers as knowledge work is  democratized: Nearly three in five whitecollar employees report using generative AI  on a weekly basis. It has brought a level of  optimization and automation to tasks once  thought to be immune to such disruption.  Cutting-edge generative AI tools are even  revolutionizing “human” tasks such as  performance management. Blue- and pink-collar workers are close  behind. Nearly half report using generative  AI weekly, defying expectations of lagging  adoption. For example, employees in  large supermarkets are now armed with  personalized AI assistants that help automate  the rote tasks of ordering supplies and writing  reports. Truck drivers are using generative AI  for load-to-driver matching, optimizing which  cargo goes on which truck. In manufacturing  industries, blue-collar workers are using  generative AI to scan long repair manuals and  instantly deliver the precise methods needed  — a huge improvement from thumbing pageby-page for the right procedures. Generative  AI’s rapid uptake comes amid widespread  employee hopes for productivity benefits.



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