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英文研究报告 2024年03月28日 08:57 管理员

Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2025 contains the Budget Message of the  President, information on the President’s priorities,  and summary tables. Analytical Perspectives, Budget of the United  States Government, Fiscal Year 2025 contains analyses that are designed to highlight specifed subject  areas or provide other signifcant presentations of  budget data that place the Budget in perspective.  This volume includes economic and accounting analyses, information on Federal receipts and collections,  analyses of Federal spending, information on Federal  borrowing and debt, baseline or current services estimates, and other technical presentations.  Supplemental tables and other materials that  are part of the Analytical Perspectives volume  are available at https://whitehouse.gov/omb/ analytical-perspectives/.  Appendix, Budget of the United States  Government, Fiscal Year 2025 contains detailed information on the various appropriations and funds  that constitute the Budget and is designed primarily  for the use of the Appropriations Committees. The  Appendix contains more detailed fnancial information on individual programs and appropriation accounts than any of the other Budget documents.



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