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英文研究报告 2024年05月10日 07:27 管理员

Sovereign default is a failure or refusal by a country’s  government to make a repayment of national debts.  Consequences include devaluation of the principal,  as well as loss of yield from the bond.  This report explores the impact of unexpected  devaluation of fixed income assets resulting from a cascade of sovereign debt devaluations caused by the  sequential exit of countries from a currency union.  Suchdevaluations canhave a similarfinancial effect as defaults which, if occurring in what are conventionally  regarded as high quality, low risk investments, from  one of our four Financial Catastrophe scenarios.  Scenarios more generally can be used to cover the  spectrum of extreme shocks, such as those proposed  in the Cambridge Taxonomy of Threats, which  encompasses five classes of business risk. A suite of scenarios is a basis for a global enterprise to stress  test itself and improve its resilience. Eurozone Meltdown In this scenario political pressures force a bloc of  European countries into a cascade of exits from  the currency union. The speed and rapid incidence  of multiple countries exiting is the most significant dimension of the scenario.  The exit from the Euro spreads by contagion of  similar political and economic issues across a  number of countries and affects other economies that  are typically thought of as being core countries of the  Eurozone. These problematic political drivers might  still endanger the currency union, although the pure  financial market risks now seem to be under control as a powerful rescue architecture has been set up  since 2011. While the “standard” scenario variant S1 limits such  a contagion on the peripheral countries, it comes, in  the more severe scenario variants, S2 and X1, to a  Eurozone meltdown with severe global effects. These scenarios cause a worldwide recession lasting  just over a year (approximately five to six fiscal quarters).



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