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行业报告下载 2020年06月26日 07:33 管理员

当下,科技在推动人类历史发展和文明进步 中发挥了重要作用,产生了令人惊叹的商业 和经济成果。不过,科技作为一把双刃剑也带 来了相应的挑战,在数字化的浪潮席卷下, 人类社会正进化成为新型的数字社会,使得 此前的信任机制、协作机制、社会治理秩序与 规则等都发生了翻天覆地的改变。我们应如 何应对这些变化并引导科技向善?行有不得  者皆反求诸己,我们又能否以科技为矛,优化 社会治理模式和提升人类福祉? 1.1 趋势与借鉴:分布式技术逐渐成  熟,催生分布式商业模式变革 目前,各类前沿科技纷纷涌现,尤其是云计算、 分布式架构、分布式账本、区块链、联邦学习、 物联网、边缘计算、多方安全计算等分布式技 术已逐渐走向成熟,在这些技术的保障下, 多个参与方之间有望形成透明、对等、可信的 合作范式,从而为商业模式的变革带来契机。

With the development of 5G technology, IoT, biometrics, and edge computing, it is now possible to gather  and process massive troves of decentralized data to enhance the connectivity of goods, people, information,  and capital. Federated learning, secure multi-party computation,  and distributed computing have the potential to break  the constraints of data silos and enable multiple participants to accomplish collaborative machine learning  without centralized training data or accessing raw data,  contributing to increased security and an ecosystem  that benefifits all.  Furthermore, solutions based on blockchain and distributed ledger technologies enable the development of fully  “distributed” business models. Organizations may now  build a trusted point-to-point network of blockchain for  point-to-point data exchange and sharing with ease-of-use  and security; use distributed technologies for the recording  of business data andthe prevention of data tampering,  forgery, or inconsis tencies, while at the same time  ensuring full-process traceability and auditing; and  leverage smart contracts to automatically generate  documents in real-time and execute business logic and business contracts. Thus, further streamlined cooperation and inter-connection will be established, driving down costs of rapid prototyping and effffectively enhancing fault tolerance in business.  



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