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行业报告下载 2020年10月21日 14:39 管理员

Throughout our history, American achievements and leadership in science and  technology (S&T) have been a driving factor for our way of life, prosperity, and  security. However, American leadership in S&T faces growing challenges from  strategic competitors, who recognize the benefits of S&T and are organizing  massive human and capital resources on a national scale to take the lead in areas  with long-term consequences.Our market-oriented approach will allow us to  prevail against state-directed models that  produce waste and disincentivize innovation,  but we will also protect ourselves from unfair  competition and prevent the use of our  technology for authoritarian activities. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is not  only dedicating large amounts of resources in its  pursuit to become the global leader in S&T. It is also targeting sources of United States and  allied strength by employing means that include  stealing technology, coercing companies to  disclose intellectual property, undercutting free  and fair markets, failing to provide reciprocal  access in research and development (R&D)  projects, and promoting authoritarian practices  that run counter to democratic values. The  Chinese government, in its quest to develop a  world-class military by mid-century, is  implementing a strategy to divert emerging  technologies to military programs, referred to as  military-civil fusion (MCF).

第二个保持和提高美国在关键及新兴技术领域(C&ET)领导地位的方法是保护在国 内以及与盟友和合作伙伴的技术优势。 美国不容忍知识产权盗窃、对开放科学规范的利用或对 C&ET 的经济侵犯。保护美 国的技术优势包括加强存在差距的规则,执行协议,以及与志同道合的盟友和伙伴 合作,以确保我们的共同原则占上风。保护美国技术优势的另一部分是保卫我们的 NSIB,需要公司、行业、大学和政府机构之间的国内与国际合作。美国还将与盟友 和伙伴站在一起,反对对各自国家安全机构的袭击。 优先行动:将考虑或采取以下措施来保护 C&ET 优势(排序不分先后) (1)确保竞争对手不使用非法手段获取美国知识产权、研究、开发或科技;(2) 在技术开发阶段的早期要求安全设计,并与盟友和合作伙伴一起采取类似的行动; (3)通过促进学术机构、实验室和行业的研究安全来保护 R&D 企业的完整性,同 时平衡外国研究人员的贡献;(4)确保在出口法律法规以及多边出口制度下,对 进出口贸易的适当方面进行充分控制;(5)让盟友和合作伙伴参与制定他们自己 的流程,类似于美国外国投资委员会(CFIUS)执行的流程;(6)让私营部门参与进 来,从私营部门对成本与收益以及与成本与收益相关的未来战略漏洞的理解中获 益;(7)评估全球 S&T 政策、能力和趋势,以及它们可能如何影响或破坏美国的 战略和计划;(8)确保安全的供应链,并鼓励盟友和合作伙伴也这样做;(9)向 主要利益相关方传达保护技术优势的重要性,并尽可能提供实际帮助。



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