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英文研究报告 2023年12月12日 07:52 管理员

China’s consumption-based emissions are high relative to the level of GDP because of the energy-intensive structure of the economy. The most energy-intensive commodities — steel, cement and non-ferrous metals — are predominantly produced for the domestic market. Furthermore, China is also a major importer of emissions-intensive commodities. Emissions embedded in trade peaked around the 2007 global financial crisis, and have been falling since then. In other words, net exports have not contributed to China’s emissions growth since 2008. A major focus of China’s climate targets has been reducing the CO2 intensity of the economy, i.e. CO2 emissions per unit of GDP. China has made rapid progress in this regard, but from a very high starting point compared to the average of other non-Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, let alone developed economies. In comparison to other emerging economies that have achieved rapid economic growth in the past few decades, China has followed a far more CO2-intensive growth trajectory, due to the high share of coal in the energy mix and the highly energy intensive structure of the economy. The slowdown in CO2 emission growth since 2013 has produced some convergence, but emissions per capita remain more than twice as high as those of most other emerging countries at the same level of GDP per capita.



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