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英文研究报告 2024年04月03日 06:35 管理员

We expect the number of wealthy  individuals globally to rise by 28.1%  during the fve years to 2028. While  positive, our forecast points to a rate  of expansion noticeably slower than  the 44% increase experienced in the  fve-year period to 2023.  As we note on page 6, the global  economy will likely be impacted  by higher infation in the medium  term, leading to a lower growth  outcome compared with the recent  historic trend.  Our model points to strong  outperformance from Asia, with high  growth in India (50%), the Chinese  mainland (47%), Malaysia (35%) and  Indonesia (34%). With the mobility of  wealth increasing all the time, a key  question is whether future growth  remains within these and other  high-growth markets, or whether  there is a leakage of talent to Europe,  Australasia or North America. Outside  Asia, strong growth is focused on the  Middle East, Australasia and North  America, with Europe lagging and  Africa and Latin America likely to be  the weakest regions.



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