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英文研究报告 2024年09月18日 11:58 管理员

The trajectory of enterprise technology adoption  is often described as an S-curve that traces the  following pattern: technical innovation and exploration,  experimenting with the technology, initial pilots in  the business, scaling the impact throughout the  business, and eventual fully scaled adoption (Exhibit  2). This pattern is evident in this year’s survey analysis  of enterprise adoption conducted across our 15  technologies. Adoption levels vary across diferent  industries and company sizes, as does the perceived  progress toward adoption. We see that the technologies in the S-curve’s early  stages of innovation and experimenting are either  on the leading edge of progress, such as quantum  technologies and robotics, or are more relevant to  a specifc set of industries, such as bioengineering  and space. Factors that could afect the adoption of  these technologies include high costs, specialized  applications, and balancing the breadth of technology  investments against focusing on a select few that may  ofer substantial frst-mover advantages.  As technologies gain traction and move beyond  experimenting, adoption rates start accelerating, and  companies invest more in piloting and scaling. We see  this shift in a number of trends, such as next-generation  software development and electrifcation. Gen AI’s rapid  advancement leads among trends analyzed, with about  a quarter of respondents self-reporting that they are  scaling its use. More mature technologies, like cloud  and edge computing and advanced connectivity,  continued their rapid pace of adoption, serving  as enablers for the adoption of other emerging  technologies as well (Exhibit 3).



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