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行业报告下载 2020年06月18日 06:56 管理员

中国是欧盟第二大贸易伙伴,欧盟是中国最大的贸易伙伴和最大 进口来源地。2019年中国对欧盟贸易额为4.86万亿元人民币,同比增 长8%,占同期中国外贸总值15.4%。然而中国却是欧盟发起贸易救济 措施的最大对象国,频繁的贸易救济措施极大地伤害中国对欧盟出口 企业。WTO统计数据显示,2001-2018年,欧盟累计向中国发起99起反 倾销调查和12起反补贴调查,是对华发起反倾销和反补贴调查数量第 三多的经济体,仅次于美国和印度。截至2018年底,在欧盟发起贸易 救济的申诉对象中,中国在反倾销、保障措施和特别保障措施三项措 施中均占比最高,远高于其他经济体(见表4)。 滥用贸易救济惩罚措施增加产品进入欧盟市场成本,使企业在竞 争中处于劣势。2019年5月3日,欧委会发布公告,对原产于中国的有 机涂层钢产品做出反倾销和反补贴日落复审终裁,决定延长对涉案产 品的双反措施。针对中国有机涂层板的双反措施最初于2013年实施, 将延长五年,中国涉案企业反倾销税率为0-26.1%、反补贴税率为 13.7%-44.7%,中国有机涂层钢板企业在欧盟将面临高昂的成本压力。

China’s investment in the European Union slowed down in 2018,  with investment flows at USD8.866 billion, down 13.6 percent from a year  earlier, according to the Ministry of Commerce of China12 . In breakdown,  China’s investment flows to Germany amounted to USD1.468 billion,  down 45.9 percent YoY, accounting for 16.6 percent of the investment  flows to the European Union (26.5 percent in 2017). According to the  OECD, the European Union as a whole saw a decline in foreign direct  investment by as much as 62 percent in the first half of 2019 as compared  with the previous half year, while 19 Member States saw a decline in  inward foreign direct investment13 . The value of China’s acquisitions in the  European Union has also fallen sharply, with Ernst & Young data showing  that the value of acquisitions by Chinese companies in Europe fell by 57.1 percent to just USD20.53 billion in 201914. In 2019, the European Union  accounted for just one of the China’s top 10 target countries for overseas  mergers and acquisitions by value, with UK ranking the second, whereas  in 2018 six EU Member States made it to the top 10 target economies of  China’s overseas mergers and acquisitions.



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