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英文研究报告 2024年05月13日 08:13 管理员

The circles below display information on diferent metric across ETSs in force. Coverage (in dark blue) shows the share of the  jurisdiction's GHG emissions covered under the ETS. Carbon price (in dark green) is measured in USD per metric tonne of CO2e  and averaged over 2023. Auction share (in light blue), expressed as a share of the 2023 cap, denotes the share of allowances  that have been ofered for auction in the primary market. Max. allowed ofset limit indicates the share of a compliance entity’s  obligations that can be met using approved ofsets. The size of the circle represents the numerical value of the corresponding  dimension. See “Notes on Methods and Sources” for further details.The panels in the first page of this infographic use data from the ICAP Allowance Price Explorer and the factsheets of this report to visualize  developments in allowance markets in a long historical context since 2013 (lef panel) and in 2023 (right panel). Both the short- and  long-term price developments are driven by changes in current and expected future scarcity of allowances, due to variations in general  economic conditions, revisions to the rules of the systems (including those governing ofsets and market stability mechanisms), and  interactions with other climate and energy policies. The shaded areas indicate the range of prices observed in the Chinese pilot ETSs.  The panel in the next page displays information on revenues raised by governments by the sale of allowances, compliance credits or  equivalent compliance mechanisms. Over time, increases in carbon prices and the introduction of new systems has led to an increase  in revenues raised. In all panels, observations in non-USD currencies are converted to USD using exchange rate data from the IMF. When  prices are fixed, visible variations are due to variations in the exchange rates. See “Notes on Methods and Sources” for further details.



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