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英文研究报告 2024年05月15日 07:28 管理员

The record executives who have contributed to this report, based all over  the world and performing a diverse range of roles, share two common  traits: a passion for music and a dedication to helping artists fnd creative  and commercial success.  This partnership is at the heart of the continued growth of music  markets worldwide. Record companies are investing US$7.1 billion  annually in A&R and marketing alone, powering artists and their careers  and connecting fans and music communities from all over the world.  At the centre of today’s record company is a powerful drive for  innovation. This takes many forms: from reshaping the artist-label  collaboration, to exploring and embracing new technologies and  platforms, to driving career opportunities for artists who fall outside  the traditional recorded music pathways. It is leading to exciting and  diverse projects and incredible experiences for fans.  However, even as the music ecosystem grows, develops and rewards  those who create music, it still faces a range of threats, including the  evolving issue of digital piracy and the damaging practice of streaming  fraud. While artifcial intelligence (AI) has already been widely embraced  across the music industry, the emergence of generative AI presents a new,  rapidly developing challenge. Many generative AI developers take music  without authorisation or compensation and build consumer facing  products that compete directly with artists’ work. To tackle these issues and ensure the ecosystem is sustainable for the  long-term, record companies require efective tools and the support of  authorities and the wider music sector.  Music, time and again, has proved its enduring power to engage,  enthral and connect us. As record companies work in partnership with  artists to innovate, drive creativity and support and champion music the  world over, we look forward to helping to shape its next chapter and the  incredibly exciting possibilities ahead.



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