Increasingly, these powerful returns have been accounted for by a small gro...
2024-11-04 10 英文报告下载
The financially affordable living space for a skilled servicesector worker is, on average, 40% less than in 2021, before the rise in global interest rates. Current price levels thus seem far from sustainable at prevailing interest rate levels—especially in markets with high homeownership rates such as Toronto or Los Angeles. However, a significant deterioration in affordability does not necessarily cause a strong price correction, as seen in Sydney, Vancouver, Madrid, and some cities in the US. Homeowners are reluctant to sell at a loss and the incentive to stay put increases further if the current home has been favorably financed. With declining transaction volumes, apparent in sharply lower growth of outstanding mortgage volumes, prices can continue to rise, even if overall underlying demand has decreased significantly.
标签: 英文报告下载
Increasingly, these powerful returns have been accounted for by a small gro...
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Inflow of capital and expansion of markets has led to increasing prof...
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These four gauges are aggregate indices made up of several sub-gauges, whic...
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The real large-scale GPU cluster growth has come from H100s. The largest co...
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The prospect of diminishing spillover benefits from China’s growth heighten...
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Geopolitical tensions are another potential source of macroeconomic s...
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