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英文研究报告 2024年10月31日 07:24 管理员

These four gauges are aggregate indices made up of several sub-gauges, which are each based on many  measures. Tey can be disaggregated to provide a more granular picture. For example, the strength gauge  includes several measures of the size of the economy, the strength of its currency as a reserve currency, the  strength of its capital markets, several measures of military strength, measures of internal and external order,  levels of education, innovation and trade competitiveness, geographic advantages such as natural resources,  investment in infrastructure, character and civility, and prevalence of the rule of law. Under each of these  sub-categories that make up the aggregate, more granular pictures are gained by looking at the more granular  measures, of which there are an average of 150 per country. You can see the most important of these underlying elements in more detail on the next few pages. In the appendix, you can see the most important  individual indicators across countries to see how they compare. While there are a lot of numbers that one  can choose to try to digest to get both big and detailed pictures of these 24 countries and their relationships  with each other, in “Part 2: Te Most Important Facts and Charts” and “Part 3: Country Summaries,” you can  get the highlights.



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