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英文研究报告 2024年09月24日 16:22 管理员

Increased maturity and investment: Organizations are  embracing generative AI, which is reflected in an uptick in  investment levels. The vast majority (80%) of organizations  in our survey have increased their investment in generative  AI from 2023, 20% have maintained their investment level,  and not one organization decreased their investment from  last year. Larger enterprises lead the charge, and overall,  nearly one-quarter (24%) of organizations have integrated  this technology into some or most of their operations, an  acceleration from 6% reported just 12 months ago. This  increase in generative AI adoption since 2023 spans all  sectors. For example, in retail, implementation increased to  40%, more than doubling from 17% in 2023. Pervasive integration across functions: Generative AI  permeates organizations, catalyzing a shift in operational  paradigms. In the past year, there has been an increase in  its adoption across all organizational domains, from sales  and marketing to IT, operations, R&D, finance, and logistics.  Moreover, generative AI adoption among employees is robust  in most organizations, with the majority allowing its use. Only  3% of surveyed organizations enforce a complete ban on  public generative AI tools in the workplace.



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