【英文】瑞信报告:中国网络借贷行业:零售融资模式的转型China Online Lending Sector Transformation from a retail-funded mode(65页)
We expect accelerated P2P clean-up heading into 4Q...
【英文】谷歌教育:教室的未来,K-12教育的新趋势Future of the Classroom Emerging Trends in K-12 Education Global (57P)
Research is continually proving that classroom des...
【英文】摩根士丹利报告:中国美妆行业报告:护肤赛道China Beauty – Skin in the Game on-(63页)
The sustainability of premiumization is a ke...
【英文】汇丰银行报告:亚洲宏观经济报告Asian Economics Bending, not breaking(107P)
A major reason for the slowdown in regional trade,...
【英文】WTO报告: 2019年世界贸易报告WORLD TRADE REPORT 2019 The future of services trade(232P)
Services have already transformed national economi...
【英文】汇丰银行报告:全球外汇展望:美元牛市压力测试Currency Outlook:Stress testing the USD bull(50P)
One of our core reasons for being USD bulls since...
【英文】摩根士丹利报告:中国汽车与共享出行报告 China Autos & Shared Mobility:Drive to Turnaround in 2020(42P)
China auto market on track for another weak year:...
【英文】汇丰银行报告:全球货币宽松不济Global Economics:Putting the air back in (114P)
With the trade uncertainty persisting, those that...
【英文】麦格理报告:中国宏观策略:刺激之路进行中 Road to Stimulus A stealth Level 3 stimulus is underway(31P)
We believe cement shipments are a great lead...
【英文】瑞信报告:美国2019年校园贷展望 Student Loan Outlook(24页)
We reviewed Mintel student loan mail data th...
【英文】汇丰银行报告:“一带一路”的全球影响Belt & Road The global impact (50P)
Although the lines are blurred when estimating abo...
【英文】J.P.摩根报告:全球债券手册2019-2020版J.P. Morgan Global Covered Bond Handbook(440页P)
European securitisation bonds typically amortise o...
【英文】银河国际报告:中国 5G 行业全速前进 China 5G switched on(27页)
5G will have a profound impact on the economy and...
【英文】汇丰银行报告:全球贸易大混乱:你需要回答的10个关键问题Trade turbulence Ten key questions now(27P)
Trade tensions can affect the economy to the exten...
【英文】J.P. 摩根报告:香港房地产:黑暗中的航行Hong Kong Property Navigating the darkness(59P)
New World Development: This is the only OW develop...