【英文】招银国际报告:China sportswear:1H19E preview,growing at full speed(32P)
Rising competitiveness on speed, innovation and tr...
【英文】瑞信报告:中国运动服务行业研究报告 China Sportswear Sector(60页)
China remains at the low-end of the trend line of...
【英文】联合国报告:2019年非洲经济发展报告ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN Africa(220P)
Though tea production is largely centred in Easter...
【英文】剑桥大学报告:2019年度AI全景报告State of AI Report(135页)
Artifificial intelligence (AI : A broad discipline...
【英文】汇丰银行报告:全球外汇市场展望:新的世界秩序Currency Outlook:FX and trade wars(50P)
There are many methods for trying to derive the el...
【英文】麦格理报告:全球宏观经济年中展望 Global Economic and Markets Outlook: Mid-Year Update The Tariffs (47P)
As the outlook for global growth improves beyond t...
The role of body control for automated driving is...
One of the main controversies of globalization is...
【英文】世界银行报告:中国高铁的崛起 China’s High-Speed Rail Development(100P)
Rather they have created an accelerated growth in...
【英文】浑水资本报告:做空安踏 ANTA Sports Products(107P)
ANTA’s Mr. Wu Yonghua was Supervisor of GZ Anda th...
【英文】2019互联网趋势报告 Internet Trends(344页)
We use data to tell stories of business-related tr...
【英文】摩根士丹利报告:中国金融业整治路线图:管理城商行的流动性风险China''s Financial Cleanup Managing city bank risks(39页)
We have seen consistent efforts by regulators over...
【英文】汇丰银行报告:亚洲共享办公地产报告 Asia Real Estate Co-working(63P)
From a real estate perspective, the market perceiv...
【英文】瑞信报告:中国啤酒行业报告 China Liquor Sector Fill more beer into the glass(59页)
Capacity closure is one of the most effective ways...
【英文】汇丰银行报告:中国太阳能设备行业报告China Solar Equipment(111页)
As cost pressure is likely to persist in the mediu...