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【英文】G7外长会议发布联合声明:指责中俄一个“ 恃强凌弱”,一个“恶贯满盈(28页)

英文研究报告 2021年05月11日 07:39 管理员

We, the Foreign and Development Ministers of the Group of Seven (G7), and the  High Representative of the European Union, are meeting today at a critical juncture  for our people, our planet, our security and our future prosperity. Democracy is under  pressure globally; the pandemic continues to pose acute global challenges; new  technological threats are mounting; and the catastrophic effects of climate change are  increasing. We commit to strengthening open societies, shared values, and the rules based international order. 

We affirm that free and fair trade, and the free and secure  flow of capital, data, knowledge, ideas and talent is essential to our long-term  prosperity. We affirm that liberal democracy and free and fair markets remain the best  models for inclusive, sustainable social and economic advancement. We commit to  tackling threats jointly and committing our resources to achieve shared security. 

We  will promote respect for, and protect, human rights for all individuals, regardless of  where they live and whatever their identity, faith, gender, disability or race. We commit  to working with the international community to further advance gender equality; and  reaffirm the importance of focusing on educating girls, empowering women, and  ending violence against women and girls.

【英文】G7外长会议发布联合声明:指责中俄一个“ 恃强凌弱”,一个“恶贯满盈(28页)

资源名称:【英文】G7外长会议发布联合声明:指责中俄一个“ 恃强凌弱”,一个“恶贯满盈(28页)

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