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英文研究报告 2024年02月26日 09:25 管理员

Though the risk of AI leading to catastrophe or human  extinction had been a focus for Elon Musk and many AI  researchers in prior years, 2023 saw the issue become  a genuine priority among global leaders and government policymakers. The shift was led by calls from  high-profile figures in the private sector such as OpenAI  CEO Sam Altman, Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis, Tesla and xAI CEO Elon Musk, and AI “godfather”  Geoffrey Hinton. In May, a coalition of over 350 leading AI experts and executives signed a one-sentence  statement that “mitigating the risk of extinction from  AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war.”This statement immediately led to a rhetorical shift  among global policymakers.  Concern about AI’s malign impact on civilization trickled down to the wider U.S. public. A survey of more than  20,000 Americans by YouGov in April 2023 reported  that 46 percent were concerned about AI’s potential  to cause human extinction and 69 percent supported  a proposed six-month pause on AI development.64 Similar anxieties about the potential catastrophic  risk of AI echoed around Washington last year. At a  congressional hearing in May, Sam Altman warned  that AI could “cause significant harm to the world”  and urgently called for greater regulation of the  technology.



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