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英文研究报告 2024年02月02日 14:28 管理员

Having identifed previously  that there are diferences in  the likelihood of using TikTok  by business size, we also  looked at how the activities  undertaken by SMEs difered  by size. Larger businesses in  the medium-sized category  were more likely to make  use of features such as paid  advertising and direct sales,  whereas the likelihood of  posting content on TikTok  did not difer much by size  of business. For example,  44% of medium-sized  businesses had done some  form of paid advertising,  compared to just 32% of  microbusinesses. Whilst a majority of SMEs on  TikTok maintained a direct  presence by posting their own  content directly, a signifcant  minority (23%) did not. Looking  specifcally at those businesses  which used TikTok, but did  not post content directly, the  most common use was creator  marketing, undertaken by  almost six in 10 SMEs (58%),  suggesting that the majority  of those who did not post  content themselves relied  instead on creators to promote  the business. A smaller share  of those not posting content  directly to TikTok (45%) had  used paid advertising to  promote their businesses.



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