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英文研究报告 2024年02月05日 07:33 管理员

In this initial quarterly survey, 41% of leaders reported their organizations were only slightly or not at  all prepared to address talent concerns related to generative AI adoption, while 22% considered their  organizations highly or very highly prepared. Similarly, 41% of leaders reported their organizations were only  slightly or not at all prepared to address governance and risk concerns related to generative AI adoption,  while 25% considered their organizations highly or very highly prepared (figure 7).  Larger percentages of leaders reported high to very high levels of preparedness in technology infrastructure  (40%) and strategy (34%); however, the survey results show there is still significant room for improvement.  Generative AI barriers related to risk and governance When it comes to risk and governance, generative AI is definitely not “just another technology.” The  fundamental challenge is how to capitalize on artificial intelligence’s power without losing control of it. After  all, the capability people seem to find most enthralling about generative AI is its ability to so convincingly  simulate human thinking and behavior. Of course, human thinking and behavior aren’t always perfect,  predictable or socially acceptable—and the same is true for the technology, itself.



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