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英文研究报告 2021年06月01日 06:00 管理员

Figure 1.1 presents the coding of relative U.S. versus Chinese influence. The figure  highlights the clear advantage enjoyed by the United States in the competition for diplomatic and  political influence: India regards the United States as a friend (albeit an imperfect and perhaps  unreliable one) rather than an adversary. The analysis in this report shows greater support for the  U.S. vision for the region than for the Chinese vision: India sees China as seeking regional  dominance, whereas it does not have similar concerns about U.S. goals. On the question of U.S.  commitment to the region, however, India remains highly conflicted: It regards the United States as an often-unreliable partner, particularly vis-à-vis its rival Pakistan. 

Public opinion favors the  United States over China, but not to an overwhelming degree.  In the realm of economic influence, Figure 1.1 highlights China’s narrow-but-noteworthy  advantage over the United States. Unlike many other Indo-Pacific nations, India does not face  the prospect of economic dominance by China: All nations in Southeast Asia are sufficiently tied  to China economically to make confrontation a risky proposition. India’s economic ties are  significant, but not nearly as strong as those of its Association of Southeast Asian Nations  (ASEAN) neighbors. India regards China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) economic program as  a matter of strategic concern—but it also sees significant opportunity in Chinese investment.



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