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英文研究报告 2021年07月30日 06:17 管理员

Increased material use will also have an impact on climate change.  According to the International Resource Panel (IRP), resource-efficiency  approaches could reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions by 60 per  cent by 2050.9  Transitioning towards CE has enormous potential to  reduce CO2  emissions and to mitigate the impact of climate change. It  would entail the eventual elimination of the linear conversion of hydrocarbons to CO2 and its replacement with enhanced energy-efficiency, bioenergy and carbon capture, utilization and storage technologies,10 and  more circular strategies. Unlike the traditional linear “take-make-consume-throw away”  model of consumption and production, the CE model aims to achieve  sustainable growth by retaining value in products, materials and components for as long as possible in economic and social systems.

“Designing for the CE” thus requires shifting focus from waste management and resource recovery to the objective of “closing the loop” in  both biological and technical cycles (Appendix B). A circular economy is  one in which products, materials and components are better designed  and better maintained – and are repaired, reused, refurbished, remanufactured and finally recycled rather than being thrown away.This chapter focuses on the “state of the art” in CE, international cooperation and policy-making – and highlights major global actors, stakeholders and initiatives related to CE. Some issues are explored from a  macroeconomic perspective, some from a regional one and some at the  level of organizations and products. It also offers recommendations to  enhance the role of the G20 in promoting the transition to CE through  short-term and medium-term actions as well as initiatives aimed at  longer-term systemic change.



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