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英文研究报告 2022年08月17日 07:42 管理员

In response to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, the Biden administration has  successfully mobilized an international coalition that is imposing unprecedented,  comprehensive sanctions on Russia. Tat efort is all the more remarkable when  compared to the diplomatic performance of the U.S. in the two decades that  preceded it. As this brutal war has ground on, China has stood frmly behind  its beleaguered Russian partner. While the U.S. highlights the international  condemnation of Russia’s aggression, China notes that this does not include the  most populous country in the world, the largest democracy in the world, the  leading countries in Africa and South America, and even Israel.  Tis report is not about current U.S. and Chinese diplomatic eforts to meet  challenges posed by Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing war. Instead,  it is an assessment of both nations’ statecraf and diplomacy in addressing the  challenges posed by the frst 20 years of the 21st century—before Putin invaded  Ukraine. As such, it provides an instructive baseline against which to judge what each is now doing. 

This report also identifes trendlines that will increasingly  shape the road ahead. One of fve chapters of the “Great Rivalry Report” produced  by Harvard’s China Working Group as part of the transition memos provided  to the new administration last year, it responds to the assignment to “document  what has actually happened in the frst two decades of the 21st century.” Using  the analogy of the Olympics, each chapter begins with where the two competitors  stood in 2000 and traces their paths to where they were in 2020. Comparing their  performance in various aspects of diplomacy, this chapter identifes criteria and  metrics for assessing various races, assembles the best unclassifed data about what  each nation has done, and ofers our best judgment about relative performance. Putin’s war in Ukraine is providing a severe stress test for both China and the U.S.  At this point, no one knows where it will end. We can be certain, however, that  the outcome will profoundly impact judgments about both nations’ diplomatic  capabilities in a rivalry that is destined to defne international relations in the  century ahead.



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