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英文研究报告 2023年03月03日 08:33 管理员

When Russia’s President Vladimir  Putin launched his ‘special military  operation’ to invade and occupy  neighbouring Ukraine on 24 February  2022, the world shuddered. In a  painstakingly premeditated manner,  Putin stepped over perhaps the most  foundational norm of the prevailing  international order – the norm  prohibiting the use or threat of use of  force against the territorial integrity  or political independence of any state  that had been set out in seminal  documents like the UN Charter  and the Five Principles of Peaceful  Co-existence. 

For something like two  decades, the international community  had sensed the gradual but relentless  erosion of confidence in the principles,  conventions, and processes designed  to foster stability and peace. Over  this period, the international political  climate has darkened steadily  as issues attracting contestation  outpaced areas of common interest  and the space allowed for negotiation  and compromise was conspicuously  whittled down. This trajectory— underpinned by the spectacular  surge in China’s strategic weight  toward parity with the US—had been  widely recognised and commented  on, including in the pages of this  publication. The international  community shuddered because, on 24  February 2022, it seemed that the end  game had abruptly come into view.



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