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英文研究报告 2023年07月28日 07:59 管理员

In December 2015, almost all global nations signed up to the Paris  Agreement,1  a legally binding treaty to limit global warming to 2o C relative  to pre-industrial levels, with significant efforts made to limit the temperature  increase to only 1.5o C. To meet the Paris Agreement, in June 2019 the UK  government committed to reaching net zero by 2050,2  whereby the amount  of greenhouse gas released into the atmosphere is lower than, or equal to,  the amount captured or removed. This net zero transition will require action  across the UK economy, with the power sector targeting net zero, subject to  security of supply, by 2035.As the UK transitions towards net zero, the increasing share of the energy generation mix coming from  renewables is resulting in greater intermittency of generation, leading to a growing system need for flexible  dispatch solutions. 

With a range of different energy storage technologies that are, or could be, used in the  UK to provide both short and long-term system flexibility, energy storage is set to play a central role in the  energy system.  This shift is reflected in the significant recent growth in the development and investment into energy  storage projects globally, with some of the most rapid growth taking place in the UK and the US. This report  provides a background to energy storage and considers the main revenue streams and routes to market  before going on to set out the challenges for electricity storage assets in Great Britain (GB) and concluding  with the future opportunities and key considerations for investors. The focus is on the GB electricity market,  with case studies included drawing insight from Ireland and Australia, two other island nations that will  require significant energy storage and flexible dispatch solutions.



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