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英文研究报告 2023年11月14日 15:35 管理员

As new data became available at a global level, GTCI gave continuous and prominent attention to the gender component of  talent inequalities. Altogether, GTCI data from the past ten years  have shown signifcant progress in legal and regulatory environments as an increasing number of countries have committed to  reduce gender gaps in labour markets. However, such eforts  remain insufcient and need to be accelerated. In large parts of the world, women are paid less than men  at comparable levels of training and qualifcations. They also  have fewer career development opportunities and less access  to higher levels of responsibility. In many emerging and poorer  economies, the gender divide is stronger still, with girls having  fewer opportunities to attend school, not to mention higher  education. 

GTCI also described and highlighted how COVID  strengthened such inequalities, making them irreversible in  some cases. These trends can be seen in GTCI’s data on gender  parity in high-skilled jobs (see Figure 2). GTCI 2022, which introduced additional data about gender  divides, also emphasised how possible options for a post-COVID  recovery could, in fact, increase domestic inequalities among  various categories of workers. The rapid expansion of new working practices, such as online collaboration, alongside the accelerating adoption of AI in various industries will undoubtedly  have an impact on some of the fundamental parameters of the  jobs/skills equation. Unqualifed or low-qualifed labour will bear  much of the additional pressure, while new categories of workers, some with higher skills, will sufer from stronger competition  from algorithms and specialised equipment.



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