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英文研究报告 2023年11月20日 11:40 管理员

All this considered, we predict that GPT-5, once released, will turn this trend and  be smaller than its predecessor. There will likely still be a push from the research  community to experiment with larger models, but from a practical and commercial  standpoint, the next state-of-the-art model will be smaller, not bigger. In addition, this overarching trend will result in AI models becoming increasingly  commoditised, where more companies can run better AI models for cheaper. It is  expected more companies will adopt AI features into their products, which in turn  will make it increasingly difficult to market and sell AI features for a premium, seeing  that it will become increasingly easy for competitors to provide the same offering at  continuously lower prices until all excess earnings from AI features are competed  away. When it comes to pure-play AI model providers like OpenAI and Anthropic, this  commoditisation means it will likely become increasingly difficult for them to compete  if all they do is provide access to an AI model through an API or chat interface. As such,  we are already seeing these companies expanding their offering beyond the models by  integrating closer with their customers, products and data, and providing extensions  and supplemental features to their chat platforms.



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