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英文研究报告 2023年12月13日 07:36 管理员

In 2022, 17 organizations from around the world, coordinated  and led by Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social  Justice, came together to feed into this report.iii The fndings  from this study come from almost 12,000 people. The sample  is derived from the data collection frm’s existing panels of  participants who have consented to participate in online  surveys. This means that in some countries, respondents  are likely to be urban and higher income. Thus, the sample  is not nationally representative, but like many existing online global surveys, the report highlights the patterns that  emerge from across all these countries. Ethical approval was  obtained for the global study from the International Center  for Research on Women’s Institutional Review Board.  Table 1 shows the overall sample size broken out by gender  identity: male (n=7,110); female, (n=4,702), and other gender  identities (n=187). For ease of data interpretation and  because some participants chose none of the above, the  analysis presented here only focuses on men (a category  that includes trans men) and women (which includes  trans women). The age groups of participants match  demographics in each country.



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