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英文研究报告 2024年01月11日 16:48 管理员

The energy transition will be a main driver of demand for several critical minerals. The transition will  be mineral- and metal-intensive. At present, the bulk of the demand for such materials is for uses unrelated  to the energy transition; but as the transition progresses, demand for many materials is projected to grow.  IRENA’s 1.5°C scenario documents the vast scale of the energy transition infrastructure - and critical  materials - needed to achieve climate stabilisation. This will include 33 000 GW of renewable power and the  electrification of 90% of road transport in 2050. Already, a mismatch between supply and demand for several  minerals is evident, with particularly high levels observed for lithium. 

Assessment of the criticality of materials is dynamic and continuously changing owing to economic,  geopolitical and technological factors. Presently there is no universally accepted definition of critical  materials. Many countries and regions maintain lists of critical materials, which typically mirror current  technologies, the prevailing global dynamics of supply and demand, and the context in which the assessments  are conducted. The factors for determining criticality therefore remain subjective and location-specific.  IRENA’s review of 35 lists of critical materials reveals that 51 materials used for the renewables-based energy  transition appeared on at least one list.



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