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【英文】丰田报告:2019年电动汽车全球化战略报告 Toyota’s Challenge (45页)

英文研究报告 2019年07月08日 09:05 管理员

Searching for partners openly and extensively, striving  toward contributing to a better society and engaging in  initiatives to construct new business models.Promote initiatives for the maximum utilization of added value for BEVs and  batteries, from sales to disposal including improving product appeal such as  battery performance, in collaboration with partners in various fields.

・Unwilling to drive long distances daily; needfree mobility for local errands such as shoppingor going to hospitals

・Concerned about being able to drive astandard car

・Usually drive alone or with one passenger Local municipalities

・Only need to drive at certain times; car not needed at home

・Prefer similar cruising range as new cars regardless ofhow many years the car has been used

・Suitable car size for ease of parking

・Safe & free mobility for all in both urban & rural environments

Collaborate with partners in various fields and also engage in dialogue with  customers to establish business models while fulfilling various roles  (Companies or local governments currently sharing ideas: 40 entities).

【英文】丰田报告:2019年电动汽车全球化战略报告 Toyota’s Challenge (45页)

资源名称:【英文】丰田报告:2019年电动汽车全球化战略报告 Toyota’s Challenge (45页)

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