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英文研究报告 2020年07月15日 07:23 管理员

Russia and China now feel they’re very much in the same boat in terms of looking at the United States and the  shifts in the world. And Russia is losing a lot of confidence in the future of Europe and the EU as an independent  player. Obviously, Russia has got a hand in this too. On the topic of nuclear issues — we’ve started to push Russia and China together on the nuclear front in terms  of our discourse. I think that is a natural outgrowth of the complexity in the world now, where there are so many  nuclear powers. On Japan and the whole changing nuclear and the strategic posture in the Asia-Pacific region: We often forget,  in this context, that Russia isn’t just as the Obama administration put it, “a regional power” in European security,  but actually has a stake in the Asia-Pacific as well. And Russia also wants to have a say in whatever it is that  we’re thinking about our nuclear posture in that region. 

We’ve opened the door to that in recent times, by having  to involve China in discussions about any future nuclear arms arrangement.  So, I’d just like to bring everybody else into this part of the conversation. What we are actually facing — particularly  since 2016-2017 — is the prospect that Russia and China are really developing a more strategic relationship  than we would have thought possible previously. BRUCE JONES: It seems to me that we’ve had that discussion and dismissed it in part because we used the  concept of non-alliance and all the issues that are in the Russia-China relationship that ensure it will never rise  to an alliance. But if we were to use a concept more like a concert designed to weaken the West, it seems we’re  awfully close to a Russia-China concert right now.



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