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英文研究报告 2021年02月01日 07:02 管理员

Survey respondents were asked to rank order the three risks they consider  to be the most concerning for the world. Respondents were then asked to  select up to fve risks they consider will be driving their top concerns over  the course of the next 10 years, with no particular ordering. See Appendix  B for more details. To ensure legibility, the names of the global risks are  abbreviated; see Appendix A for full names and descriptions. Read more  about the methodology:The immediate human and economic  costs of COVID-19 are severe. They  threaten to scale back years of progress  on reducing global poverty and inequality  and further damage social cohesion and  global cooperation, which were already  weakening before the virus struck. New barriers to individual and collective  advancement will likely result from the  pandemic as the world faces the sudden  disruption of social interactions, a widening  digital divide, abrupt shifts in markets and  consumer behaviour, loss of education and  jobs, and challenges to democracy and  international relations. 

“Digital inequality”,  “youth disillusionment” and “social  cohesion erosion”—newly included in the  Global Risks Perception Survey (GRPS)— were all identifed by respondents as critical  short-term threats. A digital leap forward—disrupting industry,  education, labour markets, and the  balance of power between nations— risks widening the gap between the  technological “haves” and “have-nots”.  All generations and groups have been  affected by the crisis: older populations  are the most vulnerable to the pandemic  itself, and youth face new barriers to  social mobility, strains on mental health,  uncertain economic prospects and the  continued degradation of the planet.  Climate change—to which no one is  immune, nor can the world vaccinate  against it—continues to be catastrophic:  “climate action failure” is the most  impactful and second most likely longterm risk identifed in the GRPS. Billions of people worldwide are at  heightened risk of missing out on future  economic opportunities, and the benefts  of a resilient global community. According  to the GRPS, “livelihood crises” will be a  critical threat over the next two years, and  their impact is likely to continue throughout  the decade.



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