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英文研究报告 2021年08月17日 06:48 管理员

For a long-term policy that pursues a transformed relationship between  the North Korean regime and its people to be successful, the United States  will need to provide credible assurances of support for North Koreans who  want to move towards a freer, more accountable political system.26 Te  United States and our allies should collaboratively decide if there is political will to support a peaceful transformation inside North Korea. If this  is the case, the United States should coordinate multilateral support for  this policy with allies, including South Korea, Japan, the European Union,  Canada, and Australia.  

With the Biden administration pursuing a more robust values-based and  multilateral approach to foreign policy, the timing is right for the United  States to take back leadership on this issue. Te United States should consider adding North Korean human rights back onto the agenda of the UN  Security Council by reviving a coalition of like-minded states. Tis recommendation is in line with Secretary Blinken’s February 2021 press statement  declaring that the United States intends to seek election for a seat on the UN  Human Rights Council starting in January 2022.27 Furthermore, the USG  should suggest the creation of post-UN Commission of Inquiry investigative  mechanisms on North Korean human rights.



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