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英文研究报告 2021年09月27日 06:25 管理员

Now brands are showing off their gaming know-how by creating their own  offerings and wrapping gaming capabilities into their entertainment and  advertising strategies. Balenciaga released its fall 2021 collection with its video  game debut Afterworld: The Age of Tomorrow, created by Streamline Media  Group. Players navigate a futuristic world, passing other characters who are  wearing the luxury brand’s latest designs.  Alexander Fernandez, CEO and cofounder of Streamline Media Group, tells  Wunderman Thompson Intelligence that the Balenciaga game is a “model for  product discovery.” He also believes that it’s not a big leap to include the ability  to purchase items, offer customer service or add other elements, all in one  place. “It’s the future of commerce. 

None of this is rocket science. This is just  happening around us.” Beyond gaming, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have put a new lens on digital  ownership, and brands are seizing the opportunities. Burberry partnered with  Mythical Games in August 2021 for a NFT collection in their flagship multiplayer  game, Blankos Block Party. Items include Burberry branded jetpack and pool  shoes. In June 2021, Stella Artois teamed up with Zed Run for a horse-racing  experience where users could buy, sell and breed digital racehorses using  NFTs.The metaverse is an increasingly popular place for brands to build or be part of  (see the Metaspace race, page 10). SK Telecom in South Korea unveiled Ifland,  a metaverse for social VR, virtual meetups and events. The mobile carrier  believes Ifland will be a rich virtual space for businesses to market themselves  and a place to meet with consumers.



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