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英文研究报告 2021年11月19日 07:23 管理员

Recognizing the importance of talent to technological innovation and independence, China has long  prioritized domestic workforce and education investments.10A succession of plans—including Project  985, Project 211, and the Double First Class University Plan—have sought to vault Chinese universities  into “world-class” status.11 Tese plans are supported by signifcant investment; for instance, the  budget of the Chinese Ministry of Education doubled between 2012 and 2021.12 China’s initial development strategy took advantage of the country’s large numbers of low-skilled  laborers. Today, by contrast, the CCP’s policies are focused on converting the country’s demographic  assets into a high-tech talent advantage. Studies suggest China is succeeding at increasing the quantity  and quality of its STEM graduates. In 2019, China graduated 50,000 STEM PhDs, compared to 34,000  in the United States (Figure 2). 

Based on recent enrollment trends, China is projected to nearly double  annual U.S. STEM PhD graduate counts by 2025, with 77,000 compared to 40,000; counting only  domestic students, China would more than triple America’s projected 23,000 graduates.The quality of Chinese education has also increased, especially at the PhD level. In 2020, 71 Chinese  universities ranked in the top 500 globally, up from 23 in 2010. Tese top-ranked universities  graduated an estimated 26,500 STEM PhDs in 2019 (54 percent of all Chinese STEM PhDs), compared  to 22,000 STEM PhD graduates from similarly ranked U.S. universities. In other words, even when the  comparison is limited to high-quality institutions, China still outproduces the United States in STEM  PhD graduates. By contrast, a large majority of China’s master’s and bachelor’s graduates come from  lower-quality institutions.



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