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英文研究报告 2022年05月27日 08:50 管理员

The China Communications Construction Corporation (CCCC) has been by far the most  prominent player in the African port construction space, winning contracts in at least 38 ports.  CCCC is a central SOE group9  composed of a host of subsidiaries that specialize in various aspects  of infrastructure design, construction, and operations that have collectively undertaken projects  in 46 African countries.10 Among them, the China Harbour Engineering Corporation (CHEC) is  the most signifcant actor in ports, participating in 30 of the 38 CCCC projects.11 CHEC has been  particularly ambitious in moving beyond simple engineering, procurement, and construction  (EPC) contracts, branching out into direct ownership and operations (e.g., in Kribi in Cameroon  and Lekki in Nigeria).

Finance PRC fnancial institutions have ofered commercial or concessionary loans or issued resourcebacked credits at 25 of the 61 ports. Such fnancing has been ofered only in cases where a Chinese  frm was also contracted for construction. Tis constant conjunction of PRC capital and PRC  contractors indicates that the undisclosed fnancing terms likely require borrowing nations  to contract with Chinese frms. PRC fnancial institutions committed to (though they have not  necessarily disbursed) around $50 billion in loans for transport infrastructure in Africa from 2000  to 2019.13 Te Export-Import Bank of China (China Exim Bank) is the most active Chinese lender  in African ports, issuing credit in at least 16 of the 25 PRC-fnanced projects. China Development  Bank (CDB), another PRC policy bank, accounts for 4 projects in West Africa.



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