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英文研究报告 2022年11月02日 08:07 管理员

Although Mainland China is by far Taiwan’s largest trading partner and the greatest recipient of  Taiwan’s cumulative investment over the past three decades, the companies polled in this survey  still ranked China as a less important “economic partner” than others. Using a scale from 1 to 5, with  1 being irrelevant and 5 being extremely important, China fnished last among the fve choices: the  United States (4.00), Japan (3.87), Europe (3.61), ASEAN (3.60), and Mainland China (3.50).  When asked to identify the factors “possibly negatively impacting your company’s business operations  and competitive positioning in the coming year,” the single most common factor mentioned was  “Taiwan’s exclusion from multilateral/bilateral trade pacts” (29.7 percent), followed by “insufcient  talent” (22.1 percent) and “cybersecurity threats” (19.6 percent). Lack of participation in international  agreements was among the top three choices of 64.9 percent of respondents. Hence, it is not  surprising that respondents identifed several regional arrangements as important to their businesses  (see Figure 3.1). 

Although the Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) was most often  selected as companies’ top priority (28.8 percent)—refecting a continued interest in extensive, if  attenuated, cross-strait ties—the two arrangements Taiwanese companies were most broadly eager to  join were the 15-member Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the 11-member  Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacifc Partnership (CPTPP), likely because of their large  memberships.10 Taiwan formally applied to join the CPTPP in September 2021, but its chances of  joining remain decidedly low, particularly without the United States as a member.11 And Taiwan has  not applied to join the RCEP; given that the arrangement includes China but not the United States,  Taiwan’s prospects for joining are even lower. Respondents were somewhat less interested in the fourmember Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA), Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy, and the  U.S.-led Indo-Pacifc Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF).12 And very few respondents expressed  interest in China’s Belt and Road Initiative.



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