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英文研究报告 2023年06月08日 10:57 管理员

Overall goods exports to China increased 1.2 percent year over year, and the top categories  remained largely the same as previous years. While a positive growth figure suggests, at first glance, that the bilateral trade relationship is expanding, high inflation and other factors suggest it is  wavering, at least in a few key sectors. Growth in US exports to other top foreign markets in 2022 far  outpaced growth in exports to China.Oilseeds and grains—crops like soybeans,  wheat, and corn—remained the largest export to  China by far. 

At $25.4 billion, these exports  totaled more than twice the size of the next  largest category. US farmers sent $3.6 billion  more in oilseeds and grains to China than they  did the year before. According to the US  Department of Agriculture, this growth is largely  attributable to strong demand and higher prices  of agricultural goods compared to the previous  year, as the volumes of most agriculture exports  actually went down. Trouble in other markets—a  drought in South America, a palm oil export ban  in Indonesia, and the war in Ukraine, an important exporter of wheat—put upward  pressure on prices.



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