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【英文】世界经济论坛报告:2020年全球性别差距报告Global Gender Gap Report 2020(371P)

英文研究报告 2019年12月31日 06:56 管理员

India, Pakistan and Viet Nam) the ratio is below 92%, and in  China the ratio is as low as 88.5%. These examples underscore the issue of “missing women” and gender-specifc gaps  on access to healthcare. In most other countries, however,  gender parity on sex ratio at birth has been nearly achieved:  in 128 countries, the share of girls is at the natural 94% birth  level, and in almost all other countries is above 92%. Parity has also been essentially achieved in all countries  in terms of life expectancy. Women tend to live longer in all  countries, except Kuwait, Bhutan and Bahrain, where the  ratio is above 99%. An overview of the global distribution of subindex performances described above is presented in Figure 4. It illustrates  the range of country scores for the four subindexes. The population-weighted average for each subindex is represented  with diamonds. Countries’ performances are distributed  unevenly among the gender gap index and the underlying  subindexes. Overall, gender gap scores are clustered around  the average score (69%), with a greater concentration of  countries slightly above the average.

The distribution is much  more dispersed within the Economic Opportunity and Participation subindex, where country scores range between 23%  and 85%, and most countries score somewhat above the  global population-weighted average. The fact that populous  countries such as India and Mexico perform below average  contributes to reducing the global average result. The distribution of scores on the Educational Attainment subindex  ranges from 59% to 100%. On the Health and Survival subindex countries cluster around an even more concentrated  set of values between 93% and 98%, with few outliers performing below 96%. The Political Empowerment subindex is  the area where country performance is the most diverse and  varied, with scores between 0% and 70%, and a stronger  concentration towards the lower half of the distribution.Since 2006, the Global Gender Gap Report has tracked progress in closing gender gaps. Each year, the rate of change can  estimate the time required to close the divide between women  and men in employment, education, health and politics. Figure 5 charts the evolution of the Global Gender Gap  Index and its subindexes since the report’s frst edition in 2006.  Overall, the gender gap has reduced by 0.6 percentage points  since 2018 and by a compounded 4 percentage points since  2006 (or an average of almost 0.3 points a year). All things  being equal, with current trends, the overall global gender gap  can be closed in 99.5 years. This is almost 10 years less than  reported in the last edition and is mainly driven by faster progress in the political empowerment dimension.

【英文】世界经济论坛报告:2020年全球性别差距报告Global Gender Gap  Report 2020(371P)

资源名称:【英文】世界经济论坛报告:2020年全球性别差距报告Global Gender Gap  Report 2020(371P)

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