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英文研究报告 2020年03月05日 06:46 管理员

With no hedging or change in the crack spread, a 6 $/b lower fuel  price could save $13 billion off the industry’s 2020 fuel bill. Our  December forecasts were based on an average 63 $/b oil price.  However, many airlines will have hedged 2020 fuel so this benefit  – if no further change – could be delayed for some.

Scenario notes: The December 2019 forecast can be found at Economic performance report. The  final column is indicative, showing how the forecasts RPK growth numbers for 2020 could be  reduced if this particular COVID-19 scenario came about. It takes no account of any other changes,  such as lower fuel prices, policy actions or knock-on and second-round effects. The scenario  impacts are subtracted from the December forecast for simplicity, though this is not exact.



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