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英文研究报告 2020年07月30日 07:26 管理员

There will be new advanced services in 6G era, which require a tremendous amount of real-time data processing, a hyper-fast data rate, and extremely low latency, as discussed in Section 2. These new services can be  characterized as providing ultimate experience through hyper-connectivity. Relying only on improvement of the communication link performance  does not suffice to realize new 6G services. This is because the progress of  increase in mobile computing power is not keeping pace with the growth  rate of the computing power requirements as shown in Figure 6. Also, the  improvement of mobile devices’ battery life is not fast enough given the  extensive demand for multimedia services and their rapid evolution.

The limitation on computing power and battery life of mobile devices  highlights the need for taking a holistic view on the overall architecture of  6G system including network entities as well as mobile devices. In addition, the openness of mobile communications as a new megatrend toward  6G (see Section 1) gives rise to the need for defining new requirements to  maintain security and keep the trust of subscribers.

To provide the ultimate experience of delay-sensitive real-time applications such as interactive tactile internet, latency-related performance  needs to significantly improve. Performance targets include air latency  less than 100 μs, end-to-end (E2E) latency less than 1 ms, and extremely low delay jitter in the order of microseconds. With these requirements  satisfied, the user experienced latency can be less than 10 ms, which is  the motion-to-photon latency requirement for XR services [12]. The user  experienced latency requirement applies to the aggregate of all latency  components in wireless links, wireline links, and the computation on both  client and server sides.



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