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英文研究报告 2021年07月28日 07:14 管理员

After mapping each production step based on the template above, we offer a short  assessment of the strategic importance of the step. We structure this assessment in  terms of three strategic dimensions. Each dimension corresponds to three criteria  for assessing strategic importance, which distill insights from the mapping. These  dimensions and criteria represent different aspects of national interest. Together,  they explain why in the context of a particular production step governments are motivated to take measures that promote their own industry and that of allies or constrain the capabilities available to adversaries.

The resilience dimension addresses the semiconductor value chain as a whole, that  is, on a global scale. As the value chain is globally integrated, disruptions have negative impacts on national interests generically, regardless of adversarial relations between particular nations. Every nation suffers from a resilience failure that disrupts  the international value chain as a whole. Criteria include the following: Concentrated point of failure: These failure points represent business continuity  risks to the global value chain as a whole from natural disasters, pandemics or  political interventions. Such points are a product of decades of technical specialization and transnational division of labor.



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