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英文研究报告 2021年10月26日 08:00 管理员

The Government of the People’s Republic of  China (PRC) has used coercive economic measures against governments, businesses, organizations, other entities, and individuals to punish them for  acting in ways the Government of the PRC sees as  challenging PRC interests, and to pressure or other- wise influence them to offer policy concessions to the PRC.  (2) In an apparent effort to provide itself more plausible deniability and greater policy flexibility, the  PRC often does not formally link a foreign policy  dispute or grievance to the coercive measure it uses,  opting for informal or extralegal measures rather than formal, published financial sanctions, trade controls, or investment restrictions. (3) The PRC has also increasingly sought to formalize some of its coercive economic measures  through laws and measures that include strength- 18 ening its export control regime through the enact- ment of a new Export Control Law and creation of  an Unreliable Entities List. 



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