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英文研究报告 2021年11月15日 06:10 管理员

In conventional operations, cyber is used to  support forces and commanders by ensuring  that they can operate uninhibited in cyberspace or by disrupting the enemy’s ability to  operate in order to achieve necessary objectives more efectively. In this way, cyber is used  to gain an advantage over an adversary similar  to the way advantage is sought in the other domains.6  This is similar to the use of naval forces  to restrict the enemy’s ability to use the seas to  achieve strategic ends. Like naval power, cyber is an important  means with which to maximize one’s own access and efectiveness while restricting the  opponent’s access and efectiveness. However,  it difers from other domains in the sense that  time and space are incredibly compressed. A  cyber force can launch an attack from anywhere in the world and strike very quickly,  unlike more traditional forces that take time  to move and launch attacks. 

U.S. Cyber Command U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) is  a capability-based Unifified Combatant Command similar to U.S. Special Operations Command and is the military’s primary organization for both ofensive and defensive cyber  activity. It is currently commanded by General Paul Nakasone, who serves simultaneously  as Director of the National Security Agency  (NSA). The two organizations have a close  cooperative relationship: The NSA and Cyber  Command operate, respectively, under Title  50 and Title 10 of the U.S. Code, the sections  that govern intelligence and military afairs.7 U.S. Cyber Command was founded in 2010  as a sub-unifified command under U.S. Strategic Command. In 2018, the Trump Administration elevated it to full Unifified Combatant  Command status, and it reached full operational capability in that same year. Over the  past approximately 11 years, Cyber Command  has grown from a very small organization that  was largely dependent on the NSA for personnel and resources into the much more  robust and independent organization that  exists today.



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