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英文研究报告 2022年01月28日 07:06 管理员

Coordinated development: To resolve the widening disparities in regional economic development, redundant construction, duplication of industrial structures and lack of public services, the Chinese government aims to improve regional inter-governmental coordination of policies, resources and urban planning through urbanization, hukou (household registration system) reform and the creation of the Beijing–Tianjin– Hebei mega region and the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Green growth: The thirteenth FYP reinforces the Chinese government’s desire to address China’s severe environmental degradation and build its clean energy, green manufacturing and environmental services sectors. Environment-related targets account for 10 out of the 25 targets laid out in the thirteenth FYP and all 10 are binding targets that must be met by 2020. Targets establish caps for energy use and ambitious goals for city air quality, carbon dioxide intensity and reduction of soil and water contamination. 

Openness: In support of greater openness, the thirteenth FYP lays out objectives to expand exports and select imports, increase outbound and inbound investment, promote the international use of the RMB and enhance China’s role in global economic governance. The Chinese government is seeking to expand its inter-regional and international trade through the creation of the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei mega region, the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative. Reflecting China’s broader industrial and economic goals, the thirteenth FYP also pledges to loosen foreign investment restrictions in select sectors such as elder care, banking and finance and encourage imports of advanced technology and equipment and high-quality consumer products. Inclusive growth: The Chinese government is pursuing inclusive growth for all Chinese citizens by setting targets to alleviate poverty, raise the standard of living, improve accessibility and affordability of healthcare and other social services and promote education.



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