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英文研究报告 2022年02月08日 16:52 管理员

Although some students transition directly from high  school to the STEM labor force, the nation’s S&E enterprise  depends heavily on recipients of higher education degrees  in S&E fields (see Glossary section for list of S&E fields).5 The number of degrees in S&E fields across all degree  levels increased from 561,000 in 2000 to 1,087,000 in 2019,  an increase in percentage share of S&E degrees from 24%  to 27%. However, many groups of Americans remained  underrepresented among S&E degree recipients. Blacks  were underrepresented at all degree levels, whereas  Hispanics and American Indians and Alaska Natives were  underrepresented at all but the associate’s degree level  (Figure 4).6 Many students and their families invest in higher education,  but increases in the cost of undergraduate education have  far exceeded inflation or increases in average family  income, contributing to concerns about affordability of  higher education. The average undergraduate charge at  public 4-year institutions as a percentage of per capita  disposable personal income increased from around 33% in  the early 2000s to 41% in 2019. 

Since 1994, this measure  has increased in every state, and in 2019 ranged from a low  of 26% in Wyoming to a high of 58% in Vermont, with eight  states over 50%. Many students enter higher education through the less  expensive community college path. Among students who  completed high school in 2018 and immediately enrolled in  college, approximately two-fifths enrolled in community  colleges. Community colleges prepare students to directly  enter the workforce with associate’s degrees or non-degree  credentials such as certificates or to transition to 4-year  institutions. In 2019, the United States awarded 104,000  associate’s degrees in S&E fields and 123,000 in S&E  technologies. Degrees in S&E technologies have a more  applied focus than S&E degrees and include technician  degree programs in engineering, health sciences, and other  S&E fields. In addition, students can also earn certificates  in S&E technologies. Community colleges awarded most  (65%) of the 258,000 certificates awarded in S&E  technologies in 2019. Students often earn one or more  certificates alongside or instead of a degree.



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