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英文研究报告 2022年03月02日 06:55 管理员

These issues become even clearer when one examines the data in Figure Three that show total  NATO and Russian military spending in a net assessment context. Figure Three compares  NATO’s reported spending levels in Figure Two with estimates of Russian military spending by  two leading think tanks – the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) and the Stockholm  International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). While these estimates for Russia in Figure Three are unclassified, experts indicate on a  background basis that they come close to the official intelligence estimates of the United States  and United Kingdom. And, if the data in Figure Three are even approximately correct, they show  that NATO Europe has been vastly outspending Russia since 1990. NATO Europe alone spent  four to five times what Russia is spending. If one then adds in spending by U.S. and Canada,  NATO would have spent over 15 times what Russia spent. Similarly, Figure Four shows a broader and more official analysis of the trends in global defense  spending issued by the U.S. Congressional Research Service. 

Once again, it is clear that a  combination of European and U.S. military spending has historically exceeded official estimates  of Russian spending. Moreover, if one considers the spending of America’s strategic partners in  Asia – which are lumped together in the “Rest of the World” category, it is clear that the U.S.,  Europe, and other Western strategic partners can deal with both Russia and China – particularly  given the probability of some future conflict that involves Russia and China posing a common  threat of total war at the same time. These data also make the past exercise in burden-sharing even more of a farce. It is striking that  no one, who was giving priority to increasing national spending to meet an arbitrary quota over  increasing actual military capabilities in key areas during the peak of the Trump administration’s emphasis on burden-sharing, ever seemed to produce any formal net assessments of how NATO  spending – and European spending in particular – compared to the military spending of Russia and  Belarus, Russia’s only close military ally.



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